Planes, Trains, & Autombiles...


WHEN:Saturday, August 24 is the Birthday Party There will be a cookout at 5:00 at the Dining Hall - Guests are welcome at camp the week of Monday, August 19 - Sunday August 25. Meals will be available Friday evening through Sunday morning. Outside those times, informal and spontaneous meals will occur!

WHERE:     At Camp Winamac, Bennington, NH

WHY: George wants to see all of you again!
WHERE TO STAY:     There is good availability of cabins on camp. Some are new and quite well equipped.. Also there are 3 RV hookups and camp sites available, first come - first serve for all on-camp accomodations.

There are also several campgrounds available locally, and a number of motels, hotels, and B & B's. See the Camping & Lodging Page for more info...
WHO & WHAT TO BRING:    Bring your whole family! We will have events planned for everyone. We won't send you a packing list, but we do recommend bringing:

Bathing suits, towels, and beach toys.
Warmer clothes for evening. In August it can be nippy after the sun goes down!
Bug dope for you thin-skinned types
Sporting equipment (e.g. tennis racquets, boats, softball mitts & balls, etc.)
Indoor toys in case it rains
Musical instruments for jamming by the campfire
Cameras, Photos, and memorabilia (anyone with a digital camera - please take some photos for
the website!)
THE SERIOUS ENTERTAINMENT! If you have photos, videos, and /or music (records or tapes) that remind you of camp PLEASE BRING THEM ALONG!!! We will be set up to playback all your memories...Pete Athans will be doing a reprise of his memorable slide show on Mt. Everest (if he returns from Tibet in time...) There is also a dance planned with DJ Bryan Krisher spinning you back in time. And, when Bryan needs a break, there will be an open mike - bring your instruments and your talent!

George says that the best present you can give him is to show up! If you would still like to give him a gift, he has asked that you donate to a cause of his choice (To be announced...) in place of giving him a gift.